Urdaneta City University congratulates the newly registered social workers of the 2022 Social Worker Licensure Exam (SWLE) after the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) released the results on March 3, 2022, four working days after the examination.
Four graduates of UCU-BS Social Work namely Darel John S. Caro, Angelika D. Yanguas, Loriejayne E. Santos, and Michaela M. Calaunan are among the 553 out of 1,211 examinees who successfully passed the licensure examination.
The university garnered a 66.67% institutional passing rate for first timers and a 40% institutional passing rate for retakers. Overall, UCU obtained a 50% performance rate, higher than the recorded 44.01% national passing rate this year.
This is the second time that PRC conducted SWLE since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020.
We are proud of you, UCUians!