Determined and resolved. TESDA officials prepare for the inspection of UCU’s Tech-Voc programs.

TESDA officials inspected the technical-vocational programs of Urdaneta City University as it aims to be an accredited assessment center aside from being a training center in Pangasinan. 


Dir. Jimmicio S. Daoaten, Pangasinan Provincial Director of TESDA, together with representatives and field experts from the regional and provincial offices, surveyed the facilities through professional guidelines and standards under the following programs: Housekeeping NC II, Computer Servicing NC II, and Food and Beverage NC II.


With high hopes. Dir. Jimmicio S. Daoaten anticipates that the TESDA inspection in UCU will be a success.

On the said inspection, it was remarked that there were minimal needs to be met, particularly the installation of CCTVs (closed-circuit television) with functional audio-recording, as a proof of real-time conduct of trainings. The Center for Tech-Voc Program shared the response of TESDA inspectors during their visit.


“They were amazed. Our facilities are more than what they expected,” Ms. Tricia Lyn Tuliao exclaimed. Tuliao, a Trainer on Food and Beverage Services, has high hopes in the development of the program status. “Hindi naman namin sinsabi na approved na, but definitely, doon kami papunta. Kasi iyon naman ang pinu-push ng office na ito,” said Tuliao.


In preparation for the goal at hand. TESDA technical experts scrutinize the papers for inspection.

As of the moment, there are 25 enrolled students under the Computer Servicing NC II program, and a promising heap of enrollees under the other Tech-Voc courses. Trainings will be conducted in a blended mode of learning while the final assessment will be on a face-to-face basis. 


UCU was given fifteen (15) working days to comply the requirements asked by TESDA. The inspectors are scheduled to return on March 29 for further inspection. #


-Joanne Lorraine L. Puga