UCUPA gives token to employees; retirees recognized

Urdaneta City University Personnel Association on Wednesday, December 15, made a simple gift giving termed as “UCUPASKO 2021”  among university employees.


Prof. Eleuterio S. Sison, UCUPA President, shared that the gifts came from sponsors from different individuals who opted to help the organization and the University as well.




Present to grace the event were Atty. Dar A. Diga, Acting University President; Dr. Elisa C. Cristobal, Vice President for Administrative Affairs; and Dr. Noel L. Guevara, Vice President for Academic Affairs. 




The UCUPA officers manned the distribution of more than 700 food packs at the University gymnasium.


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Meanwhile, four retirees were recognized in the same event, including: Mr. Virgilio Ollero who served 34 years, Dr. Prescila I. Marcelo who served 33 years, Dr. Maria Leah Manangan and Prof. Rhea M. Agibuay who served 17 years in the academe.




Marcelo, the outgoing dean of the College of Teacher Education, made a few remarks on how she witnessed the development of the University throughout the years of her tenure. She even encouraged the part-time faculty members to further their career in the University.