CITE champs in ILAARRDEC Regional Symposium

The UCU-College of Information and Technology Education outlasted 20 participating institutions in Region 1 to win first place in the poster category during the ILAARRDEC 33rd Regional Symposium on R&D Highlights, December 3, 2021.




The winning piece entitled, “EFARMMS: A Mobile and Web-based Electronic Farmers Agricultural Resources Management System,” focused on developing a monitoring system in the agriculture of Urdaneta City to prevent overproduction of crops and avoid profit loss.




Behind the successful project were the following faculty members and students, namely: William S. Costales, Juan Miguel T. Dela Cruz, Jhon Mark A. Balanag, Jona Mae E. Bautista, Daniel John A. Erece, Marriel P. Manlapaz, Prof. Anthony Marquez, Prof. Lorie Jelene R. Millon-Paragas, and Mr. Jeremi Rabara Micua.


The University is genuinely thankful for the efforts of Prof.  Johanns Rabago, CITE Dean; Dir. Josephine S. Lambinicio and Exec. Asst. Vener Casteñaga of the Center of Research and Development to make this achievement possible.

