UCU celebrates 69th graduation rites

Urdaneta City University commemorated its 69th Commencement Exercises along with its 716 graduates yesterday, November 25.


Urdaneta City Mayor and Board of Regents Chairman Julio F. Parayno III encouraged the graduates to realize their challenges during college days as stepping stones in success in life.




 “Today is a momentous day for you to remember, and treasure the memories you had in the university. After this graduation, you will realize later on the importance of hardship in order to attain success in life — that’s the reality of life,” said Parayno.


With this year’s graduation theme, “IRAGUP: Elevating Perspectives in Strengthening Solidarity,” UCU entrusts its hopes to all members of the academic community that through meaningful connections and true intentions, they could lift others having the same elevated perspectives and continue the ideals as they go further milestones and breakthroughs.


In response, Frederic M. Avila, an awardee from the College of Human Sciences, delivered the the gratitude of Batch 2021 to their alma mater.


“To Urdaneta City University, we are grateful to have you, and we promise to continue the legacy of learnings you taught us, because this is the place where we started our bright future,” quoted Avila.


Acting University President Atty. Dar A. Diga conferred 34 graduates from the graduate studies and 682 from the undergraduate programs.




The breakdown of graduates from undergraduate programs is as follows: 125 from the College of Teacher Education; 61 from the College of Criminal Justice Education; 89 from the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management; 55 from the College of Health Sciences; five from the College of Arts and Sciences; 76 from the College of Information and Technology Education; 89 from the College of Business Management and Accountancy; 27 from the College of Human Sciences; 138 from the College of Engineering and Architecture; and 17 graduates from the Center for Tech-Voc.


As of writing, the virtual graduation broadcast via Facebook reached 74,777 people, 52,678 engagements, and 890 shares.

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