UCU receives Institutional Recognition



In pursuit of quality education for all, Urdaneta City University receives its Institutional Recognition on June 13, 2023 at the UCU Cafeteria, attended by delegates of Commission on Higher Education, members of the Urdaneta City Board of Regents, top officials of the University, different College Deans, and designated Heads of offices.




“Quality is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution…indeed, quality is never easy. Sabi nga nila, mahal ang quality. This is why after long years of waiting, we are here to celebrate a very historic event, that is the awarding of your institutional recognition. Congratulations, UCU!” Dr. Danilo B. Bose, the Director of Commission on Higher Education - Region 1 in his remarks, as he joined in celebration of the University’s academic milestone.


“...[however] your institutional recognition is not permanent, because our educational landscape today is fast, really fast. In fact, there are a lot of developments in our educational landscape, and we are not exempted from complying with those. I know, with your team, Attorney, I know that you will comply with the next round of evaluation. We assure you that we will provide you with the necessary assistance. Magtulungan po tayo,” Director Bose added.




The Institutional Recognition entails, as signed by J. Prospero E. De Vera III, the Chairman of Commission on Higher Education that, “Pursuant to CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 32, series of 2006 entitled, "Policies, Standards, and Guidelines on the Establishment and Operation of Local Universities and Colleges," this certification is issued to URDANETA CITY UNIVERSITY, San Vicente West, Urdaneta City, Pangasinan having been granted INSTITUTIONAL RECOGNITION as HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION by virtue of the Commission "en banc" Resolution No. 026-2023 dated January 17, 2023.”




Chief Operating Officer Atty. Dar A. Diga responded by expressing his gratitude to the collective efforts of the people behind the success of the recognition, and urged everyone to prepare yet again for another round of much needed efforts. “...it’s a group effort for everybody, for UCU, and you know that we’ve been through a lot. And we will be going through a lot again… it’s a part of life, it’s part of the cycle of being here in the University.”


“To achieve institutional recognition is not easy, it’s a journey. Before we reach the top of the ladder, we have to start from the first step. And in the first series of steps we have struggles, challenges, but we have to face it,” said Dr. Josephine S. Lambinicio, Vice-President for Academic Affairs, when asked how UCU endured in the process of attaining its goal.