Valentine is in the air

February is the season of love, and because love is in the air, you don’t wait for love to happen to you. You go out there and feel the breeze and sniff the air!


Urdaneta City University joined the feast of love during Valentine’s Day special episode of Balitalk, an online talk show for students hosted by Dr. Nhorly Domenden and Prof. Jeffrey Caoile.




University officials and personnel enjoyed the alfresco and nature experience while listening to chill-out romantic songs played by student performers Natalia Biagtan, Leandro Gonzales, Joseph Allen Elegado, and Kathleen Geraldine Ariza.




It made sweeter with the finger foods prepared by the College of Hospitality and Tourism Management.




During the afternoon talk show, guests were entertained by the “Kaparewho” segment – a compatibility test among prospect lovers. In the event, a “Chikana” must select the most appealing man among the masked “Chupapis” through a series of get-to-know questions. In the end, the lucky “Chupapi” must unmask himself and ask her “Chikana” for a date.




Indeed, love comes most unexpectedly, and you’ll never know when it’ll hit you.

Happy Valentine’s Day, UCUians!