COLLEGE OF PHARMACY :: Urdaneta City University


Educating future pharmacists to deliver with wisdom and efficacy in their field of practice, aiming to improve the quality of life through health and welfare preservation. 


To become a nationally-recognized leading pharmacy educator, dedicated to transforming students into global pharmacy professionals with integrity, competitiveness, service orientation, competence, compassion, and ethics



To empower students with scientific wisdom, skills, the right attitude, and character through outcomes-based instruction that will enable them, as pharmacists, to conduct innovative research and provide competent services in the community, hospital, industrial, regulatory and public health sectors, academe, and in other related fields


Goals and Objectives


1. To address the increasing demands for workforce in the pharmaceutical healthcare industry through a deeper understanding of the current perceptions, gaps, and challenges related to pharmaceutical science and pharmacy practice in the Philippines;

2. To formulate research priorities, strategies, and guidelines that initiate changes and improvements, particularly in medication usage patterns, and healthcare delivery system; and

3. To identify opportunities for alignment or synergy with other stakeholders and sectors in the production of affordable medications without compromising their quality and efficacy;



The initiative to offer a Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy was backed up by a feasibility study. In a survey conducted among 19 high schools in Pangasinan, it was found out that the BS Pharmacy program is one of the most preferred college courses of graduating high school students. This result prompted Urdaneta City University to formally offer the program in June 2008 as a new course, made possible by the UCU Board of Regents under Board Resolution No. 1866 s. 2007 after its approval on July 11, 2007. 


From the time the College was opened in 2008, enrollment steadily increased – starting with ten students and flourishing to almost 200 students. The College has also produced 30 registered pharmacists since June 2013. 


On May 8, 2013, the program was awarded a special permit to conduct graduation for its enrolled students. On April 4, 2014, the Association of Local Colleges and Universities Commission on Accreditation (ALCUCOA) awarded the Urdaneta City University Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy program, Level II Accreditation. 


As of now, the College of Pharmacy continues to strive for academic excellence through improvements in facilities and equipment, being true to its vision and mission and driven with its aim of producing pharmacists who are scientifically competent in delivering the required full spectrum of pharmaceutical services.


Programs Offered

Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy (CHEDRO1 Order No. 22, s. 2019 with approved curriculum)


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